
Benchen Phuntsok Ling Summer Course 2024 -- Allmuthen (updated)

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These are the dates for Benchen Phuntsok Ling's 2024 Summer Seminar in Allmuthen, Belgium.
We are very happy to continue the series of summer seminars in Allmuthen!

Drubwang Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche will not be able to attend the Summer Seminar 2024 at Benchen Phuntsok Ling in person.

However, he will be represented during the course by Khenpo Karma Rigzin Gyatso, who will be accompanied by Dorje Lopön Dondrup Tashi and Umdze Jigme Singye.


Khenpo Karma Tsewang Gyatso has also offered to teach and Umdze Gyurme will support wherever possible.

As every year, there will be a three-day Drölkar (White Tara) ritual in the week before the actual teaching period and a three-day Gönkar (White Protector) retreat after the teaching period.

Daily Schedule:

Wed. 17.07. to Fri. 19.07.
Drölkar (White Tara) Ritual  09:00 hrs
Drölkar (White Tara) Ritual  14:00 hrs
Sat. 20.07.      
Opening of the Summer Course 14:30 hrs
Sun. 21.07. to Wed. 31.07.
Workshops 09:00 hrs
Teachings by Khenpo Karma Rigzin Gyatso 10:00 hrs
Teachings by Khenpo Karma Tsewang Gyatso   14:30 hrs
Thu. 01.08. to Sat. 03.08.   
Gönkar (White Mahakala) Retreat 09:00 hrs
Gönkar (White Mahakala) Retreat 14:00 hrs


Riwo Sangchö ritual (Mountain Smoke Offering) and hoisting of new prayer flags                      Mon. 22.07.  at 09:00 hrs
Calling the Guru from Afar (*) Sat. 27.07.    at 14:30 hrs
Anniversary 25 years Benchen Phuntsok Ling Sat. 27.07.   at 18:30 hrs
Khorwa Dongdruk ritual (Bardo Puja) Sun. 28.07.   at 14:30 hrs
 (*) Out of respect for Khenpo Tsültrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, the great master of the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, who left his body on 22nd June 2024 and entered the Dharmakaya.

Daily Pujas (rituals):

Green Tara Puja                          07:00 hrs
Mahakala Puja 17:00 hrs
Chenresig Puja 20:00 hrs


Khenpo Karma Rigzin Gyatso is one of the Khenpos of the Benchen Nangten Thösam Ling Shedra in Pharping, Nepal.

In 2002 Khenpo Karma Rigzin Gyatso took the refuge vow from Drubwang Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche. He became one of the Benchen monks in the monastery in Kathmandu and studied all the various rituals. In 2007 he went to the Shedra in Pharping and began his studies in Buddhist philosophy.

In 2008 he received full monk vows from the late Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche. After more than 10 years of intensive study, he became a Khenpo in 2018 and has been teaching at the Shedra ever since.

Khenpo Karma Rigzin Gyatso already taught at Benchen Phuntsok Ling during the Summer Course 2021 in the Zoom sessions.

This year he will teach the "Mūlamadhyamakakārikā - The Root Verses on the Middle Way", a famous Mahāyāna Buddhist text composed by the Indian master Nāgārjuna.

Khenpo Karma Tsewang Gyatso (nicknamed Khenpo Nyima) became a monk in 1991 at Benchen Phuntsok Dargyeling Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal taking the refuge vow from late Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche.

After his basic education he studied at Rumtek Monastery, Sherab Ling Monastery and Sera Jey Monastery for 12 years. In 2010 he completed his studies with the Khenpo degree and was appointed Khenpo of the Benchen Shedra in Pharping, Nepal. After teaching at the Shedra for 8 years, he did a 3 year retreat at the Benchen Retreat Centre. He now administers the Benchen Shedra.

Khenpo Karma Tsewang Gyatso visited Benchen Phuntsok Ling in 2014 and 2017.

This year he will explain the views of the four philosophical schools of Buddhism: Vaibhāṣika, Sautrāntika, Cittamātra, Mādhyamika

Lama Ngawang Tsultrim is the Resident Lama of Europe Benchen Phuntsok Ling.

This year Lama Ngawang will not be teaching any specific topic. He will be available to help with any questions you may have regarding your individual practice.

Various workshops will be offered.
The teachings will be translated into English and German.

Daily rates:

generous    65 €   rate with additional contribution to support other course participants 
regular 55 €   normal rate which should cover the costs
reduced    45 €   for people with low income, e.g. students and trainees
Additionally two types of discounts are offered:
sponsor   5 € if you are a sponsor of Benchen Phuntsok Ling e.V.
early bird    5 €       if your payment is made before June 1, 2024

The daily rate includes teachings, empowerments, meals and accommodation in your own tent or caravan.
Each day counts as a full day, even if you skip a meal or spend the night away from Benchen Phuntsok Ling.
If you arrive after 2pm, you will only be charged for half a day. If you leave before 10am, the day will not be charged.
Please note that everyone is assigned a small helping job on arrival. Without your help these low daily rates cannot be maintained.

Registration Summer Course 2024

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