We are very happy to announce the installment of the first Benchen Nunnery. It has been a long term wish of Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche to build a nunnery or retreat center for nuns, so that women can study and practice the Dharma as it is practiced in our Benchen monastery. Even though Kyabje Rinpoche already was planning to do so since the 90s, the right conditions did not come together until lately.
It was Rinpoche's wish to finish the Ani Gompa perfectly. Due to Kyabje Rinpoche performing the act of passing into Parinirvarna, now it is up to us - his followers - to finish this project of Rinpoche and thus fulfill his vision. His Eminence Drubwang Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche kindly bestowed the name Benchen Arya Tara Ling for the nunnery and gave his blessing for the fulfillment of the project.
Please kindly consider to support this endevour to fulfill the wishes of our Lord of Refuge Tenga Rinpoche. Also there will be a tremendous benefit for the nuns and you yourself.
For further information please contact Dharma Haus Benchen Tashi Ling, Cologne