Image Gallery

Please have a look at various impressions from Benchen Phuntsok Dargyeling Monastery in Kathmandu, Nepal and from Benchen Phuntsok Ling in Allmuthen, Belgium and other places. Click on the picture to open the gallery.

Environment Protection 2010 at Benchen Phuntsok Dargyeling Monastery  
Losar Lama Dance 2009 at Benchen Phuntsok Dargyeling Monastery  

Benchen Phuntsok Dargyeling Monastery, impressions winter 2008/2009.

Visit to Benchen Phuntsok Dargyeling Monastery in Kathmandu, Benchen Nangten Thösam Ling Shedra and Clear Light Retreat Center in Pharping, Nepal.

Kagyu Monlam 2009 at Bodhgaya  
Kalachakra Nepal 2005 at Benchen Phuntsok Dargyeling Monastery  

Sangha House construction, Benchen Phuntsok Ling, Allmuthen.

Pictures are in chronological order starting with the former bull shed from summer 2008 until the completion of the shell construction summer 2009.

The former bull shed was completely pulled down. You can watch the building progress until the closed shell was completed just before the summer course 2009.


Sertok Project, Benchen Phuntsok Ling, Allmuthen.

Pictures are in chronological order. Here you can follow the construction work starting winter 2008. The middle part of the existing building was completely rebuilt.

Short before the summer course 2009 the work was finished. The golden top ornament is shining on the roof of the new shrine room.

Tara Recitation at Benchen Phuntsok Dargyeling Monastery  
Monlam at Benchen Phuntsok Dargyeling Monastery  
Visit to Khyentse Rinpoche's new Monastery  
Cremation of Lama Rabsal  


Please enjoy!

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