from Tempa Lama, March 1, 2018
Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche Yangsi, together with his family and retinue traveled to Sherabling, Himachal Pradesh, on the 16th February 2018. As you can see on the photos, when we arrived on the 18th Rinpoche was greeted by a long line of monks, nuns, and lay people presenting katags. At 10am Yangsi Rinpoche had an audience with His Eminence Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche. We made a mandala kusungtug offering, received blessings from His Eminence, and, as is Tibetan tradition, had auspicious rice and tea.
In the morning of the 19th HE Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche performed a purification ceremony for Yangsi Rinpoche. Afterwards HE Kenting Tai Situ Rinpoche invited Tenga Rinpoche Yangsi and all of us to a wonderful lunch in his chambers. His Eminence gave a very nice Buddha statue and other presents to Yangsi Rinpoche and offered his wishes that Rinpoche may benefit many sentient beings.