Drubwang Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche gave teachings about love and compassion in the Benchen Karma Choeling, Singapore on the 9th October. There was a life broadcast over the Internet, many people were happy.
Right now Drubwang Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche is in the Benchen Karma Kamtshang Ling JB, Malaysia giving Mahamudra teachings. In the first week of November Rinpoche will be coming back to the Benchen Monastery Nepal. He will be staying for a couple of month.
In the spring Drubwang Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche will be giving the Kagyü Ngag Dzö empowerment. Upon the question whether people are required to attend the whole month of empowerments Rinpoche's answer was that you may join at any time of day for as long as you wish.
In the mid October Chagdzö Tashi Özer started to construct the forty feet stupa in front of the Clear Light Retreat Center in Pharping.
Best wishes and Namaste,