Relic Pills

Already the visit to India is posted on the website.
Yesterday 8th June 3:00pm Tashi Özer, Lama Yönten Palsang, Lama Karma Döndrub, Lama Geleg and myself, we carefully sieved and looked through Kyabje Tenga Rinpoche's ashes.

In total there are 4 bags of Rinpoche's ashes of which we, so far, opened and inspected one. We found 37 relic pills, some of them have a shining golden-yellow, shining copper like red, silver-white, grey color and some are dark. To see this we are very happy and all of us can be very proud to know such a great master.
We will try to take pictures which we want to put on the website. So, we will continuously go through Kyabje Rinpoche's ashes and let you know more later on.


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