Advice by Lama Ngawang Tsultrim as given in his letter from 2022.
"Dear Sangha,

By practicing Dharma there, it will be a place of extraordinary benefit to oneself and others.
These were his words, which he shared with all his students in a letter before he left for Nepal.
And at the beginning of the 2020 Summer Course, in the advice that H.E. Sangye Nyenpa Rinpoche gave us via WhatsApp, he said very clearly that we were very fortunate to have been in the Dharma for many years and to have received many precious teachings and initiations from high teachers. We had read so many Dharma books - but without practice we cannot attain liberation and so now was really the time to practice, do retreat and gain experience as much as possible.
Thus, both of our Rinpoches have given the advice and instruction that we should do retreat as much as possible.
In general, learning, reflecting, and meditating are essential for a Buddhist practitioner. Of these three, meditation is the most important.
An example from history is Buddha Shakyamuni, who practiced in solitude for six years and then attained Buddhahood.

Especially in our Kagyupa lineage, which is called the practice lineage, it is extremely important to practice in retreat.
Without retreat, it is very difficult for us to have experiences. Therefore, once a year, if possible, we should practice in retreat for a month or at least a week. This is really necessary.
For us, it is best to do retreat in a group.
In the Ten Wheels Sutra of Kshitigarbha it says: I have given you all the methods and profound teachings. You are now in a position to reflect on them and must practice. If someone does not meditate but only listens to the teachings, he is like a sick person who has been given good medicine but has not taken it. He will not get well, but will continue to suffer.
These are the reasons why it is so important for us to practice in retreat.
I will be leading the retreat and will be present so that you can contact me with questions and I can support you.
No television, internet, cell phone or radio are allowed during the retreat. No drugs, no alcohol, no meat. You also cannot go shopping or have coffee in a restaurant.
Of course, it may be necessary in case of emergency, but otherwise it is not allowed to drive away.
Whoever has time and interest to do so is very welcome.
Many Tashi Deleg,
Lama Ngawang Tsultrim"